Thursday, July 29, 2010

What's my password?

E-mails, banks, blogs, computer, phones, web subscriptions... If I had to make a guess, I'd say I have at least 2 dozen passwords floating around on my different websites and gadgets. It throws a big wrench into my day when I can't remember the password for some service I want to access. I often have to reset passwords or worse, get locked out of services I do not use regularly.  Ahhh...

Lets get that under control!  Simply devoting some time to creating and sticking to a "system" for logging and remembering passwords will provide great benefit! Put your mind to in and find something that works for you. Here is what worked for me:

  1. Create a password document that contains all important information.  
  2. Either store this information on your hard drive or archive it in your main e-mail.  
  3. If you add or update a password, update the information. 

This tip probably drives the security conscious crazy.  If you are really concerned about a password you can always enter a hint or a code for more protection, or keep your most secure passwords in a locked safe.  Passwords for less risky accounts (like ebay, iTunes, Livestrong...) shouldn't cause you too much stress!

For further reading, including password management services: Storing and Remembering Passwords Securely

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